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About us

Welcome to D Attitude, where we celebrate the beauty! We are thrilled to share with you the story behind our decision to create a cosmetics company that focuses on selling only Canadian certified bio products.
Canada, with its breathtaking landscapes, pristine lakes, and diverse ecosystems, offers a treasure trove of natural resources. From the majestic Rocky Mountains to the picturesque coastline of the Atlantic, this vast country is a haven for rich biodiversity. Inspired by the incredible natural wonders that Canada has to offer, we embarked on a mission to harness the power of these resources for the benefit of your beauty and well-being.
By choosing to specialize in Canadian certified bio products, we prioritize the sustainability and eco-friendliness of our cosmetics. Our commitment to using only certified bio ingredients ensures that our products are derived from renewable resources while minimizing harm to the environment. We firmly believe that nature provides us with everything we need to nourish and enhance our beauty, and it is our responsibility to protect and preserve it.
One of the key reasons for our focus on Canadian certification is our dedication to supporting local communities and businesses. By sourcing our ingredients from Canadian suppliers, we contribute to the growth and sustainability of our nation's economy. We take pride in collaborating with small-scale farmers, artisans, and indigenous communities who share our passion for natural beauty. This approach not only allows us to create exceptional products but also strengthens the fabric of our society.
Moreover, Canadian certified bio products are renowned for their high quality and stringent standards. Canada has a rigorous certification process that ensures the authenticity, purity, and safety of the ingredients used in cosmetics. When you choose our products, you can trust that they are free from harmful chemicals, synthetic additives, and unnecessary fillers. We prioritize your well-being and strive to provide you with cosmetics that are not only effective but also safe for your skin and the environment.
In addition to our commitment to sustainability and supporting local communities, we also celebrate the diversity of Canada. Our cosmetics are designed to cater to a wide range of skin tones, types, and concerns. We believe that beauty knows no boundaries, and everyone deserves to feel confident in their own skin. By embracing the unique beauty of each individual, we aim to empower and inspire a sense of belonging.
We invite you to join us on this exciting journey and unlock the secrets of nature. Together, let's celebrate the wonders of our land, promote sustainability, and embrace the power of locally sourced certified bio products. We are here to guide you, provide you with exceptional cosmetics, and ensure your beauty journey is filled with joy and confidence.
Welcome to D Attitude, where nature meets beauty, and friendly assistance is always at your service!